KL Dog Accessories Manufaktur
Das sind wir: Iluna, Snow, Lolo und ich
In my small Manufactur we make unique dog collars & leashes with love and passion.
Far away from the mass industry, we create pieces of jewellery for dogs and owners. Design, comfort and functionality are combined in our products.

Über mich
My name is Karin Leuthardt, I come from Switzerland and have been living in Andalusia for 25 years. I originally completed an apprenticeship in tourism. But everything turned out differently. . . my love for horses and dogs was stronger. I have trained horses and riders for over 30 years. For as long as I can remember, dogs have been part of my life, without them life would not be perfect.
Even as a child I was very creative and loved making beautiful things by hand.
Often I Wass desperate when I was ooking for dog collars or leashes in convenience stores... I've never found what I really liked. And so a dream became a vision. Step by step I made my way... The first dog collars and leashes where made and at the same time KL DOG ACCESSORIES AND MORE.
AND I am a passionate animal photographer for years and I took all the pictures on this page myself.
Unsere Hunde

. . . ist unser 5-jähriger Tschechoslowakischer Wolfshund. Er ist immer wieder für eine Überraschung gut. Eine echte Herausforderung. Doch trotz allen seinen „Schandtaten“ liebe ich ihn sehr.
. . . unsere Prinzessin, eine 7 jährige altdeutsche Schäferhündin. Meine Seelenhündin.

. . . unser 9-jähriger super Dackel, taff, lustig und einfach zum knuddeln.